A fresh model built on an ancient practice of creating a community of compassion
Living Ubuntu
What is Ubuntu?
Ubuntu means “humanity”, and is first and foremost about gaining a deeper understanding of humanity. One cannot know his/her/their uniqueness apart from community. Human beings are made for interdependence, yet we live in a time filled with countless examples of closing ourselves off to the experiences and beliefs of others, leading to apathy, physical violence, and polarization. Glorifying individualism and self-achievement plays a part in a culture of polarization that marginalizes people based on beliefs, identity, and resources. The purpose of Living Ubuntu is to unpack what it means to be in community with others, and offer radical hospitality and compassion in a way that will strengthen our communal connection and identity.
Through the long-honored tradition of truth-telling through story, DLW Ubuntu Circles allow space and courage to dialogue on differing views to better understand other’s lived experiences, creating a culture that nurtures compassion and gives people the ability to reconcile opposing views. Intentional participation in DLW Ubuntu Circles will cultivate profound connections to others in the community, enabling communities to form healthier systems of communication.
DLW Living Ubuntu will foster a deep sense of belonging within your community, while opening individuals up to seeing themselves in others, and developing tools that lead to healthier systems of communication. This pathway works within the mission of the organization to help individuals grow in compassion for people who identify differently, cultivate a culture where people are willing to go deeper to address communal issues, address social isolation, and cultivate a community that works together for reconciliation.
Possibilities for Engagement
DLW Ubuntu Circles
Small Groups
Groups gather for eight to ten sessions, focusing on a specific topic and share lived experiences related to that tipos. Each session concludes by sharing connections to the ethos of larger community.
DLW Living Ubuntu
Across the Organization
Through group and individual experiential opportunities, members of the organization learn new communal practices that work to live into the relational aspects of mission and vision of the organization.
Customized DLW Ubuntu
Training and Residency
Opportunities are available for residency and training to lead DLW Living Ubuntu in your organization.
The late Archbishop Desmond Tutu spoke of the Spirit of Ubuntu in this way, “A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.”